Clue Technologies has adopted OneSpin’s advanced coverage-driven assertion-based verification solution into the company design and verification flows for safety-critical IP Cores.
“We are always seeking to improve our design process in terms of agility and robustness… As safety-critical-system designers, the key value that we take from OneSpin is of course formal verification. We saw a robust and powerful tool that could be also applied to our industry. We have been working closely with OneSpin to learn together how their product could help us meet RTCO-DO-254 objectives in terms of requirement verification, traceability, and coverage.” said Ignacio Fernandez, Clue Technologies CEO.
Clue turned to OneSpin to help in the stringent verification effort and to meet the safety requirements prescribed by the RTCO-DO-254. Clue is applying OneSpin 360™ DV-Verify to FPGA soft IP cores for the WittyBox™ family of flight and mission computers. These IP Cores provide key functions to our NextGen Integrated Modula Avionics (IMA), such as avionic communication protocols, video conversion, data processing, data filtering, traffic management, and health monitoring. DV-Verify ensures complete verification of the design, assuring that it behaves as intended and, equally importantly, that it does not do anything that it isn’t supposed to do.
“Many of our customers are leading the innovation that has or will have a critical impact on how electronics operate and the safety of those devices,” added Raik Brinkmann, OneSpin President and CEO. “Clue’s adoption of our unique verification solution based on formal technology will give them confidence that their designs function as intended and are safe to be used in today’s aircraft.”
Clue is seeing value in working with OneSpin that extends beyond safety certification. Clue implements agile methodologies and performs incremental design based on fast iterations. To aid in this process, they have integrated OneSpin’s solutions into their automatic testing platform, resulting in more tests being completed with more efficacy. Errors are detected earlier, which helps to accelerate development and improve code quality.
Get in touch with us to know more about Clue’s capacity to develop safety-critical embedded solutions for avionics.